Design A Quality Preschool Classroom With 4 Tips

Childcare Renovation
6 min readApr 19, 2022


Childcare Renovation

A preschool is where kids start their early childhood education before beginning their compulsory education in primary school. It is important to have a quality preschool classroom as a learning space for the kids. A quality preschool classroom enables the kids to benefit-intellectually, socially, and emotionally.

So, what type of classroom is considered a quality preschool classroom? A quality preschool classroom provides an environment such as a caring community of learners, supporting children learning, planning and adapting curriculum, etc. You may be thinking about what to consider when designing a quality preschool classroom, we will discuss it below, and you will want to consider it as the design of your preschool classroom.

The Importance of Learning Space

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Young adults will usually remember what they have learned or played in preschool. In 1800, Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, mentioned environmental design’s importance. He believed that when care is applied to a child’s surroundings, their behavior can be guided and inspired. A simple space can become a haven of play and learning.

Preschool is often designed from the view of an adult’s priorities than children’s needs. When setting up a preschool, it is best to create the best possible environment for the kids. The room layout may be a reason to let the children be engrossed in their activities or causes many loose ends.

A good learning space may include clear paths to activities, freedom for exploration, flexibility, a home-like feel, enough opportunity for movement, and more. This will let the children learn more.

Tips To Design A Quality Preschool Classroom

1. Activity Areas

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Child care professionals learn that children can learn from discovering. If you reason with the children using theory, the results may be fruitless. But a three-year-old kid can quickly learn how to balance the block and distribute the weight evenly by discovering by building a crooked tower.

A quality preschool classroom allows children to choose from a variety of activities. There can be different types of activity areas, such as reading, playing, or a block area. When designing the room, use the natural interests and impulses of children to allow them to make smooth transitions by themselves as if they were playing in their own home.

It can help to develop their routines and discipline. When creating the activity area, you may want to consider these five attributes. First, is the placement in the room suitable for the function of the area? Secondly, the is boundaries of the space well defined. Third, is the surface appropriate for the activities. Fourth, is the material easily stored, and lastly, is the area’s mood appropriate.

2. Location

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When you are considering the location of each activity, You have to keep a few things in mind. The area needs to be predictable, children love to explore, and they rely on a certain level of predictability. The entrance needs need to be precise. Children find it more predictable with clusters of rooms rather than long corridors.

A good quality preschool classroom needs to be organized practically. If you have a wet and dry region in your preschool, you will need to divide the space up. There should be a place where the children can sit to free or undress in the wet region, such as a bathroom. This is important while fixing the flooring material as you need to prevent a slippery floor.

In the dry region, it needs to support large motor play, wheeled vehicles, climbing, etc. The children will be doing their activities on the floor. It is best to do it somewhere that is protected or in a secluded corner. The environment will need to be flexible.

3. Boundaries

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Boundaries protect the children from traffic and other distractions while they are playing. A quality preschool classroom doesn’t need permanent boundaries. Sometimes a carpet or a similar visual item can be used for borders. Physical dividers such as fabric or wicker can be used too.

Clear boundaries can help to protect the children while they are playing. You can create the area by considering the path, movement, freedom to explore, and privacy. With a well-defined path, children can move around quickly and wouldn’t move into a dead space. You can place a low activity area in the center of the room to avoid dead space.

Children normally will scope for movement. This is critical for their intellectual development. The limited movement will be linked to behavior and learning problems. Annemarie Arnold, a Froebeleudcated teacher, recommends that we should let the children follow their own interests. It will let them be creative. A quality preschool classroom should be organized to encourage kids to explore and experiment instead of asking them to sit down quietly.

A quality preschool classroom also needs to provide opportunities and places where it allows children to play alone. This allows the children to ensure that they can put their back against something solid.

4. Play and Sitting Surfaces

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A quality preschool classroom needs play and sitting surfaces appropriate for the activities that they are playing. It would be best to consider what activities they would do in the area. For example, some children read text while others love to look at pictures. Different props support different activities.

You can have some musical instruments if you want to encourage singing or costumes to encourage make-believe. You can set up a listening area for the children to enjoy audiobooks. It helps to stretch the children’s imagination. Providing flexible furnishing and open-ended materials to the children allows them to develop and learn.

It is not easy to set up a quality preschool classroom. This is a good guideline if you don’t know how to set up a quality preschool classroom. Design the classroom from the view of the children instead of an adult’s view. This way, it will help you create a better quality preschool classroom.

Childcare Renovation

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