Room Arrangements in Childcare Centers

Childcare Renovation
4 min readOct 25, 2021


Opening a child care centre or remodelling or operating an existing one demands a close look at the physical room arrangement at the centre. Education studies reviewed by staff members of the Cornell University Extension show a centre’s physical arrangement has a major impact on how the child views the care experience.

Room arrangement also concern researchers at the Center for Early Childhood Professional Development, who link child behaviour problems directly to the room configuration used in care centres.

1. Monitoring

Image Credit: Procare

Creating a room arrangement with open spaces incorporating line-of-sight views allows supervisors to monitor all areas of the room. An open floor plan also provides access for easy supervision. Placing tall furniture, such as bookcases, in the centre of the room makes clear divisions for activity centres, but this arrangement also blocks staff views.

Open spaces also allow observation of student-made work from all parts of the room. Centres with art displays help children create a personal attachment to the centre.

2. Movement Patterns

Image Credit: Caplanco

Furnishings help guide movement patterns through the child care centre, but pathways need to be open to allow children the space to move freely without any risk of bruises or cuts. Organized movement activities at the centre help develop motor skills and balance.

Make a formal layout of the floor plan to help evaluate the workability of the centre’s movement patterns and the amount of space available for motion activities. Areas for centre concern include doorways and open spaces near common areas, including bookcases and toy storage.

3. Floor Coverings

Image credit: Europine

Room arrangement incorporating practical floor coverings help delineate imaginary rooms by the flooring patterns. Use of wall-to-wall carpeting or solid flooring avoids trip-and-fall injuries, but children also need cushions, pads or mats for quiet and sleep time and seated activities.

Large floor pillows provide soft surfaces for children but also risk injury when left out during the day. Incorporating pillow storage in the centre’s room design encourages staff to be diligent about removing the pillows when not in use.

4. Furnishings and Clutter

Image credit: Kaplanco

Child care furnishings incorporating boxes and bookcases assist in storing centre equipment and toys not in use during certain times of the day. Children should have access to toys throughout the day to explore texture and surfaces and experiment with movement, but unnecessary clutter can be dangerous.

Organizing centre equipment requiring electric cords, glass bulbs, screens and connection wires in one location along the walls also minimizes potential dangers. Room heaters and portable kitchen appliances also require convenient storage locations for staff use.

5. Activity and Quiet Areas

Image credit: Dreamstime

Organizing the room with permanent areas for learning centres, activities and also quiet spaces for children gives the centre staff room to move groups through the daily activities without relocating any large furnishings or disrupting other events happening in the centre.

The permanent activity centres allow children to feel comfortable with the stable arrangements. Quiet areas require adequate light for reading and shielded areas for resting. Active areas need to incorporate climbing opportunities and a place to interact with other children.

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Childcare Renovation
Childcare Renovation

Written by Childcare Renovation

The Renovation Contractor In Child Care Center Singapore.

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